MARCH - 2024

Project Amazonas Trip with Central Christian Church
By Sayo Taiwo

Laden with suitcases heavy with medications and supplies, a group of 10 members of a church in Southern Illinois boarded the CBM Project Amazonas boat in the dead of night. A few of us were new to this mission and had mixed expectations, but one thing united us; our desire for God's limitless love to shine through to the people of the Amazon.  
Before we went to sleep we received terrible news: the captain of the boat Sanderley Soares had died suddenly. The long-time CBM supporters were as heartbroken as the boat crew and Earl, the president of CBM. The mood was suddenly somber. We made adjusted plans to attend his funeral and then bedded down for the night; road weary, and soul heavy but also filled with a nervous anticipation for the week to come. If the Creator of the Universe orchestrated so many details in order to bring a 'random' group of skilled people to a boat in the Amazon, then He's got some big moves planned, even with this awful event, and not just for the people we're here to help, but for us as well. I opened my Bible and this verse grabbed me; "He never changes or casts a shifting shadow". Our God is our constant, our true North, no matter our circumstances, no matter our grief and no matter where we are. This Brazil mission team dedicated our steps to Him, and I knew He was going to exceed our expectations, as He always does.
The funeral was so hard, even for those of us who didn't know him. But even as it was heart-wrenching, it was also heart-warming to see the sheer outpouring of love from boat crew, family and friends, to see them live out "He comforts us so we can comfort others". It was easy to cry ‘Why, Lord?’ Why so suddenly, so young? That’s when He reminded me: this is the fate of every human being until Jesus comes again. Therefore, their spiritual need for salvation is paramount. ‭‬
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” (Romans 10:14)
Back at the boat we sorted meds and by God's grace were able to refill the boat pharmacy stores to overflowing! Yet more evidence on such a sad day that He truly is a good Father who has blessed this mission through the generosity of people all over the World.
The next 4 days of treating patients were a whirlwind! We were able to provide both general medical but also obstetric, dentist, trauma, procedural and eye care for a whopping total of 418 patients. These people were so loving, welcoming and grateful for the care we were providing. They were able to obtain medications that pharmacies here don't even stock, assuming they were the few who could even get to a pharmacy. The patient who stood out the most to me was a 32 year old woman, totally blind after an inoperable but benign brain tumor 6 years prior. She and her family through it all were unwavering in their faith in God, unwavering in their belief that He had a purpose even in this seemingly impossible situation. It was both humbling and inspiring. This Godly perseverance was seen in so many of the villagers and crew members that I know I speak for our team when I say we were ministered to in our faith even as we came to care for them.
We travelled between the villages of Mocambo and São Tome, making sure to stop at some Project Amazonas churches. These are a few of the many churches planted during the 50+ year tenure of CBM, each led by local families appointed and trained by CBM. Pastor Daniel Silva is one of those humble servant-leaders. Attending service at his church in Mocambo, after he personally made sure all of his congregation were seen by us before his own family, brought me to tears. He was entirely unashamed of his love of the Lord, evident in his uninhibited worship and passionate words honoring Sanderley and the boat crew, calling them ‘minha família’.
Earl preached on Christ in us, calling us to step out and make disciples. But to focus on the one, on quality relationships with deep roots. And once Earl shared the story of the start of CBM 50 years ago, it was clear that had been his focus. Veering away from the transient missions popular at the time, when Earl and Ruth were called by God to Brazil, they knew they were called to stay. Called to work out the seemingly impossible vision God has given them. And year after year, God blessed their sacrifice and faith immeasurably more than they could have imagined; He is a God of His word after all.
As we begin our long journey back to rural Southern Illinois, I reflect on this life-altering trip. I look back and can now see the many God-moves that led to my medical degree, my heart for mission and ultimately my move to a small town in Southern Illinois where I would soon join a great church also with a heart for mission. And He simultaneously did so for the other truly phenomenal members of our group. I'm struck with awe, yet again, at the sovereignty of God and humbled by His goodness. He truly works all things out for the good. And He is faithful to honor all we surrender to Him; Earl and Ruth and CBM are testimony of just that.



Earl Haubner
P.O. Box 172
Springfield, Ohio 45501-0172
Phone: 1-804-467-7463
E-mail: cbmhaubner@gmail.com  


Michael Haubner
Phone: 1-540-392-7867
E-mail: mehaubner@gmail.com