Dear CBM-Project Amazon Partners and Friends, April 8, 2020

     Guess what? We are also home (in Goiânia) and on the “stay at home” order from the government. It looks as if this situation will continue for the next few weeks and even months. We are anxious and concerned about our family there in the U.S. and pray for them as well as for all of you. God is still in control and we know that after this is over we will see “that all things work for the good to those who are in Him.”
     After doing our first three Amazon Boat Trips in February and March we were one day from the next group coming for our fourth trip. They found out that they could get to Manaus but not sure they would be able to return after the trip. So we cancelled that trip and at the same time five future trips through June 14. Then, believe it or not, we did the fourth trip with just the boat crew. About half way through the trip we found out that the Covid 19 Virus was getting worse and we better get back to Manaus. We stopped in São Sebastião and were there for three days but not able to get off the boat and no one was allowed to come on the boat. We then returned to Manaus and was able to dock the boat where we keep it in front of Sanderley’s house. After another three days on the boat in Manaus we were able to get our plane tickets changed so we could get to Brasilia. The flights to Goiânia were not many and you had to go through São Paulo which we didn’t want to do, especially the São Paulo airport. We finally got to Brasilia and Pastor Agostinho came from Goiânia to pick us up.
    A few other notes of news: Sanderley is doing okay and has a very positive attitude about the tumor. He will see a doctor on April 16 (we hope) to discuss the biopsy and how to treat it.
      We were able to visit the Project Amazon Juice Factory on one of the trips and hope we can start producing concentrated juices sometime in June or July.
      Letícia is doing just fine in medical school and hopes to be able to go on a Amazon Boat Trip in July with Alex and little Lara and Leticia’s mother to take care of her. They (Alex and Leticia) continue to take care of things here in Goiânia when we are on the Amazon Boat Trips. Thanks for your prayers for them.
      Pastor Agostinho and his wife, Maura, were able to help us on the first boat trip as well as lead the February Seminar. They are a big help and Agostinho was elected secretary of Project Amazon at our annual meeting in February to replace Dr. William who had passed away in July.
      Pray for Daniel and the Mocambo work as construction started on the new church building.
      Please remember to pray for us and notice the Prayer Requests sheet with this letter. Also keep up with us and Project Amazonas: Christ, Life and Health ministry on our website (www.cbm.org.br). Journals and photos of the first three trips of this year are now on the site.

      Your faithful partnership is so vital to the success of this CBM Ministry.

       Thanks again,

Earl, Ruth Anne and Amazon Boat Crew and Missionaries



Earl Haubner
P.O. Box 172
Springfield, Ohio 45501-0172
Phone: 1-804-467-7463
E-mail: cbmhaubner@gmail.com  


Michael Haubner
Phone: 1-540-392-7867
E-mail: mehaubner@gmail.com