JUNE - 2024

AMAZON BOAT TRIP – June 11-22, 2024 - Connection Pointe Christian Church
By Brianna Haubner  

 DAY 1
Today was our first day on the boat and I love it here so much. We made care bags for people and prepped medicine by counting pills. Later we played soccer on the top deck, all eight of us. Our feet turned blue, and it was such a good bonding moment for us; we had so much fun together. I have been searching for dolphins. I want to see one SO bad. We also went up and looked at the stars for a while once it got dark. The sun set so early here. There were so many stars, and they were so bright. It was beautiful.
Today was our first day at a village, actually helping out all the people. And yes, we saw some hard things, but we also saw a lot of smiles and a lot of gratitude, even though we don’t speak their language. And no, I still haven’t seen a dolphin. Our bonding has begun to grow with the crew too, they are trying to teach us more of their language and playing games with us. I love it here.
Today, we stayed at the same village to treat the rest of the people. There were so many. They were a lot more engaging this time. The kids played with us, and the crew actually let us go into the village. It was so different. Run down, cows and chickens everywhere, just roaming the streets. There were some super sick people, but also a lot of really happy and excited people. It is seriously beautiful here, both the people and the land. And we were told that we have the least drama-filled team. Go us!
Today we were at 2 different villages, and in between the two, the crew taught us songs in Portuguese. We also played soccer with the villagers, and it was so cool; they were all so good. A few of us went out for a quick night swim after that. It felt amazing. A couple girls from the village called me “bonita” and was trying to chat with us for a bit, and it made my WHOLE day. They were so friendly. Everyone is so nice and respectful here; it is very heartening.
Today, I got to work with my dad all day. I didn’t mind though; it was so much fun. There was one woman who found out she was pregnant, and her and her family were so excited. I felt so happy for them. We all went swimming today and we all fell asleep in the hammocks in the middle of the day. These people are amazing; I’m making connections I never thought I would have. I love it here. And no, I still haven’t seen a dolphin. I just think it is so crazy that in just a week I have been able to grow so much in my relationship with God and with my team. I am coming back here one hundred percent. Seeing these poor villagers’ faces light up just from you offering to help them get better is so worth it.
Today we treated one village until we were done, no breaks, and then had the rest of the day off. It was beautiful and relaxing. We also went on a little joy ride later that night in a little boat; it was so cool. I had a dance sesh with some kids while they were waiting for their meds. I gave them stickers and had fun with them, and the way that their faces lit up made my heart so happy. And I still haven’t seen a dolphin. But it’s okay. One of my favorite moments so far was today. I brought out the guitar and we all just willingly sang and worshipped together. It was a special moment.
Today we treated our last village in the morning and then travelled the rest of the day. We just talked, played cards, and napped. I’m sad it was our last village. I like helping people. And I swam with dolphins. We were swimming in the river, and they were just swimming around like ten feet away from us. It was epic. I loved this trip so much. The relationships that I have made are ones that I never want to let go of. These are people I want to always share memories with and be close to.

Today we had a free day. We travelled all day. We napped, visited the greenhouse where they grow all the fruits and vegetables, and talked for hours, just about life and faith. It was an amazing day, chill but fun. Tomorrow, we dock. We’re having a big party. We’re going to swim, and have a big meal, and just enjoy each other’s company with the crew. I don’t want to leave. But I’m immensely proud of everyone in this group. Jesus ama você.



Michael Haubner
P.O. Box 420
McCoy, Virginia 24111
Phone: 1-540-633-2419
Cell: 1-540-392-7867
E-mail: mehaubner@gmail.com


Earl and Ruth Anne Haubner
Phone: 804-467-7463
E-mail: cbmhaubner@gmail.com