Dear CBM Partners and Friends, January 25, 2020
We arrived back home here in Goiania safe and sound after 2-1/2 months in the U.S. It is chilly 70 F and raining here. We enjoyed the time with family and saw our grandson baptize our great-grandaughter! What a blessing for the entire family.
We were able to attend the ICOM Missionary Conference in Kansas City. Also at the conference we had our annual CBM Trustees meeting. We praise God for the Board of Directors of CBM and the leadership and support they provide for the mission. We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the ICOM this year in Indianapolis in November.
Ruth Anne was able to get cataract surgery done on both eyes while there and is excited about seeing so much better. She continues to do very well with her back and will soon be walking again around the boat.
There were two very special meetings for us during these days in the States. Our home church in
Georgetown, Ohio had a big celebration for our 50th anniverysary in Brazil on December 8. All of our children were present and participated in the service. There were about 25 individuals there from different churches that had been on an Amazon Boat Trip to help us celebrate. The other meeting and dinner was organized by Ben and Marlo (CBM Trustees) in Jacksonville, FL on January 4, with individuals from 4 different supporting churches attending.
Leticia has started her fourth year of medical school and is excited, as we are, about the future with the Amazon Boat Trips. She and Alexandre will be working with Dr. Woody and Michael on one of the July trips.
Starting February 11 we will begin a year with 16 Amazon Boat Trips! Many Brazilian dentists will be helping this year. For many of the them it will be their first experience on a trip.
The boat has been painted once again and some remoldeling done and our 10 crew members are ready for busy year.
Please remember to pray for us and notice the Prayer Request sheet with this letter. Also keep up with us and Project Amazonas: Christ, Life and Health ministry on our website Your faithful partnership is so vital to the success of this CBM Ministry.
Thanks again,
Earl, Ruth Anne and Amazon Boat Crew and Missionaries